On-Demand Delivery App Development Cost – How Much Should You Invest?

From instant cab services to quick food delivery and at-home grooming services, our lives distinctively depend on on-demand delivery mobile apps right now. Not only this, now most people receive a consultation with their doctor through medical apps and order prescribed medicines using an on-demand pharmacy app. Summing up, the market of on-demand delivery mobile apps is on the loose.…

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6 Most Common Web App Security Issues & Their Prevention

The realm of modern business is full of planning, possibilities, and diverse options. But web security remains to be an enigma for thousands of adept professionals in the web and app development sector. As per the latest reports, the aftermath of cyberattacks witnesses the loss of billions of dollars each year. These drastically rising numbers contemplate the dire need to…

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Beacon Technology for Mobile Apps – Origin, Types, Benefits, & More

When you look back at the last ten years, you will know how far the internet technology and marketing trends have brought us in terms of convenience and facilities. From headless commerce to mobile commerce and cross-platform development, the digital world is constantly pouring with trends and technology that can revive the way we live our lives these days. Interestingly,…

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What is Hybrid App Development? A Comprehensive Guide – Trank Technologies

A hybrid mobile app, though looks exactly like a native app, works on all operating systems. Hybrid applications are built with the purpose to serve users on various operating systems including android, iOS, and windows. In simple words, a hybrid software application can be defined as an amalgamation of web apps and native apps. Top app developers explain hybrid software…

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8 Inevitable Benefits of Mobile App Development Services for Businesses

According to GSMA real-time intelligence data, today, 5.28 bn people have a mobile device in the world. This means that 67.95% of the world’s population has a mobile device. India is the second-largest consumer of smartphones after China. The smartphone market is estimated to grow many folds in the upcoming years. In present times, it is not restricted until being…

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